
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019


Hi everyone. This time I'm going to talk about different themes from some questions and I hope you can leave me to know about what do you think around it. So, the first questions is:  What is your opinion about hooligans? - I'm an active fan of the football team Colo-Colo and as I usually go to the stadium I feel the need of changing the perception of the people that dislike this sport, they could to know about what happen there. Football for me is a beautiful sport that puts together families and entertains them, but sadly, there are people that generally don't have the education and destroy the sport. For me, is important that the people understand that is not a rule and the bad actions don't depend from a football team. The seconds: What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet? and... About animal testing? -I think that this point is an unresponsability because all animals deserve respect, even the exotics. So I disagree with the "pet

A postgraduate course

Hello everyone, as the teacher told, the idea of took a postgraduate course is a first step to have more opportunities in the job market. Although the fact of continuing to study isn't passionate about, I know that is the regular way that I have to take for "a good job future". With these considerations, I have been thinking many times what kind of post graduate I'll take. I have been reading  about different topics that catch my attention as feminism, the fights for humans rights, a sustainable  state or the inclusion inside the state. All these themes are interesting to me but I cannot decide yet if some of them are special or worth to take a postgraduate about it. After all, choose a topic to continuing study isn't an easy decision, you have to think so much about it for the money, for the time you'll spend being there and the job that you want to do. When you talk about a postgraduate study is impossible not think about take it in other country, but